About me



Hi! I’m Jessica! I’m a 25 year old student and therapist for children with Autism. I currently live in a basement apartment with my partner, my apartment just happens to be in my parents basement! This summer I was diagnosed with Scleroderma. It was a shock to my calm peaceful little world. I have a lot of new challenges in my life, but I am facing them with everything I have. I wanted to start this blog to give myself an outlet to keep track of all things going on in my life, and to provide an outlet for all the feelings that come with having an invisible illness. I also want to give others  place to  come and see that all of their feelings are valid, you do not always have to be strong! Here is a place where everyone can come and look at my rantings and know that someone else feels the same way they are. I am not always ok with this, actually usually I’m almost never ok with this. Which is fine too, hey whatever we are all feeling is fine really it is. So take a look around, I will post about how I am coping, changing I’m making, medications I’m on anything really. Feel free to contact me about anything!


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